There's Simply No Reason Food & Drinks After Noon Should Be Called "Brunch"

This popped up over Easter weekend. I was invited to two different "brunches" one on Saturday then one on Easter Sunday. 

Saturday's started at 1pm. Sunday the plan was to meet at 12:30pm. Which of course sparked the question in my mind, "isn't this just...lunch?"

Now, this is not meant to be any slight to a good brunch. Tough to argue with cinnamon rolls, fruit, eggs, and mimosas to start your day. But that's my very point - it's supposed to start your day, not be in the middle of it. Half the exciting part of "brunch" is that it's something a little different. Again, you're mixing some of your favorite breakfast foods and instead of having coffee you throw in some booze to start the party a little earlier than usual. 

Meeting at 10:45am or 11am? Brunch. Meeting at 1 for food and drinks? It's simply lunch. 

Kayce Smith was a hard disagree so I asked her to come on my show and have ol' Feitelberg moderate the brunch debate. 

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